City Nature Challenge - Texas

Texas Parks & Wildlife Dept. is sponsoring, City Nature Challenge Texas, (a kind of, mini-bioblitz), April 14 - 18. It's a friendly competition between Dallas/Fort Worth and other metro areas around the state and country to document as many species as possible over a 5 day period. It's citizen science in action. All ages encouraged.

> Friends of Tandy Hills Natural Area is participating on Tuesday, April 17, from 4 - 7pm. Sam Kieschnick, and others will be on-site to assist your efforts in recording as many species as possible via iNaturalist. Join us!


From the TP&WD website: 

"Join Texas Parks & Wildlife, the Audubon Society, and others in a fun challenge to see which city can document the most species. It is easy to participate by joining an event, or making observations on your own using the iNaturalist app. With the iNaturalist app, you just take a picture of a plant or animal, and the community will help identify which species it is. Any observation in the greater metropolitan area of each city will count during the five day challenge. You can participate by exploring the life in your backyard, in your local park, or on a field trip with your local naturalist group. Not only is this a competition between Dallas/Fort Worth, Austin, and Houston, cities across the nation are participating, let’s show them what we got!"

More info at these LINKS: 


Happy Birthday Henry David Thoreau


BioBlitz Video: The Tandy Hills Story