Forest School connects kids with the natural world at Tandy Hills
In 2015, Bethy Young, organized a local group of home-school parents focused on holistic education ideas. The idea was inspired by the Forest School to get kids outside where they are encouraged to explore, take risks and develop self confidence and a deep connection to nature through hands-on learning. Ages range from toddlers to preteens.
The group meets every Tuesday morning at Tandy HIlls Natural Area, doing a different activity each week. According to Bethy,
“Our activities are all over the place but they always involve nature. I try to do nature craft or art at least monthly and also something where the kids are learn about a part of the nature they have seen, to take interest in (birds, certain plants, insects...we have even done science based labs on rainbows). We also do some activities that promote nature skills like using tools to build bird houses (and learning tool saftey) or other things the kids have taken interest in. I try to really look at what the kids are into and run with it.”
That's not all.
“After that we have picnics, play and let the kids take the lead. Honestly, the kids come up with things on their own that amaze me. They ask questions and come up with new things to do without our help. They are amazing. We had a few months where all the older kids got obsessed with picking up glass shards and little trash at the park and making jewelry from it with help from a rock tumbler.”
Although not directly affiliated with Bethy's group, FOTHNA has provided copies of our Kids on the Prairie field journals for their use. Recently, the group tried their hand at a new field study method used by Kids on the Prairie, using loops of twine for "quadrant sampling". The kids observe and record all the living species inside the loops.
Friends of Tandy Hills are very pleased and proud that Bethy Young's group are taking advantage of Tandy Hills for nature-based education and connecting their kids with the natural world.
Interested in the Forest School? Message Bethy Young or comment and she can let you join the group page.