Prairie Notes #178 - Creepy Critters of Tandy Hills
Prairie Notes are monthly photo/journal observations from Tandy Hills Natural Area by Founder/Director, Don Young. They include field reports, flora and fauna sightings, and more, mixed with a scoop of dry humor and a bit of philosophy.
They are available free to all who get on the FOTHNA email list.
Creepy Critters of Tandy Hills
Prairie Notes #178
October 1, 2021
01) Creepy Critters of Tandy Hills
02) Field Report - September
03) New Species - September
04) New Trails Project Report
05) PrairieSky / StarParty - October
06) Giving Day Report_2021
07) Gray Fox Sighting
08) Prairie Proverb - Indiana Jones
01) Creepy Critters
Let me state upfront that, "creepy" is in the eye or mind of the beholder. One man's snake necktie is another woman's heart attack. Just ask any herpetologist who are known to giddily pick up snakes like I might pick a blade of grass or study a wildflower.
Yes, 'tis the season for creepy things and everyone has their own definition, their own built in biases, be it snakes, bugs or, yikes, tobacco spitting grasshoppers! But in general, "creepiness" is a result of lack of experience or education. Herper's know from experience which snake is non-venomous, harmless. Still . . . there is that basic insticnt that sometimes warns us to keep our distance.
Tandy Hills has its share of creepy critters, depending on your personal bias. I've put some thought into the characteristics of critter creepiness and selected a few pics that illustrate my point. Some of those characteristics are:
- Fear of the "other" or the unknown
- An alien-like face or death-like apearance
- An apparent soullessness
- Things that are potentially toxic, infectious or poisonous
- Things that are slimy, sticky, oozy, hairy, wriggly or produce <gasp> leaky fluids
- Things that bite, suck, sting, blister or shock
- In general, things that are bizarre, gross or spooky
A corollary to this is that, some critters are obviously beautiful but can be extremely deadly. Take the Dragonfly, one of nature's most efficient killing machines. They are universally admired for their intricate and colorful wings. But from the POV of a mosquito or other prey, the big soulless eyes of a dragonfly are about as creepy as they come.
An important aside: This post is all about Halloween fun so don't let your personal fears and biases override your ability to enjoy and learn more about the natural world or harm another creature.
02) Field Report - September
September was as dry as dust which prevented most of the early fall wildflowers from blooming. Exceptions were on some of the seeps which brightened an otherwise parched prairie.
03) New Species - September
There were 11 new species added in September, bringing the new count to 1596. Most were observed and recorded by, Sam Kieschnick. See a few notables below and the Tandy Hills iNat Project Page HERE:
04) New Trails Project Report
At long last the new trails system work has begun. Almost 2 miles of carefully designed and scenic new trails with several bridges, will be created in the next few weeks. The new trails wind through preveviously inaccessible areas of the park, and always at a comfortable grade. Old, unsustainable trails that were heavily eroded will be permanently closed. I guarantee you will like this. The work is being done by Ryan Spates and crew from S&S Trail Services out of Austin. They do similar work all over the state for public and private entities. The project is expected to be complete by Thanksgiving. Plan a visit for mid-late October when the temps are cooler to see it progress. The project is partially funded with a grant from Texas Parks & Wildlife Dept.
05) PrairieSky / StarParty - October
Despite smoky skies from western wildfires, a sizeable crowd of 60 people showed up for the September star party. They were treated to great views of the Moon, Saturn and Jupiter through the big scopes of eight astronomers. For the next event on October 16, Pam Kloepfer, of Fort Worth Astronomical Society, offers this sky report:
"The sun will be setting around 7PM in early October and just after 6:30PM by month’s end, making for longer star gazing nights! In the cool of the evening, the sky should be more stable than in the heat of the summer months. Therefore, Venus will be blazing, and will be low in the southwest. Jupiter and Saturn will continue their trek across the south, following Venus along the ecliptic. The four Galilean moons of Jupiter often do a dance on any given night around the giant planet. A telescope will reveal their ever-changing positions; sometimes they transit across the planet’s face, and at other times they may pass behind the planet’s disk, emerging on the other side. Saturn’s ring system is easily observable through a telescope. By Halloween, the ringed planet will set just before midnight. The Summer Triangle is heading west, but is still visible these fall nights. Look for a square overhead; that is the Great Square of Pegasus. The moon will be waxing gibbous on October 16."
06) Giving Day 2021 Report
Friends of Tandy Hills had the best year ever. Our heartfelt thanks extends to all 49 donors. (Including, four Anonymous donations totalling $850.)
07) Rare Gray Fox Sighting
It thrills my soul to report that a Gray Fox was sighted at Tandy Hills on September 28. This is the first official sighting in the park, proper. (One was observed in a nearby street in 2016.) They are sometimes referred to as a Ghost Fox due to thier rare appearances. You can watch a short video HERE (Hint-adjust the settings on YouTube to half-speed for a better look at the fox.) :
8) Prairie Proverb
“Snakes…why’d it have to be snakes?”
Prairie Notes© is the official newsletter of Friends of Tandy Hills Natural Area, a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization. All content by Don Young except where otherwise noted.