prairie notes #16: Good Reads
Prairie Notes are monthly photo/journal observations from Tandy Hills Natural Area by Founder/Director, Don Young. They include field reports, flora and fauna sightings, and more, mixed with a scoop of dry humor and a bit of philosophy. They are available free to all who get on the FOTHNA email list.
Good Reads
Prairie Notes #16
February 17, 2008
1) A Prairie in Pieces
is the cover story of the February 2008 issue of Texas Parks & Wildlife magazine. Henry Chappell writes about the beauty and diversity of the Black;land Prairie. Describing it accurately as, the most endangered habitat in Texas, Chappell tells and how it got to be that way and the importance of protecting what remains. (Side-note: The author fails to mention how natural gas development is the single greatest threat to our remaining prairie.) Pick up a hard copy or read it online, here:
Texas Parks & Wildlife Magazine
2) Speaking of natural gas
Texas Prairie Journal, the newsletter of The Native Prairies Assoc. of Texas, addresses that subject in their current issue. NPAT President, Kunda Wicce, invited me to contribute an essay on how the gas boom impacts prairies in general and Tandy Hills in particular. Order a hard copy of their new and improved newsletter from their website or check out the attached PDF, here:
Texas Prairie Journal
3) Ghetto Plainsman
is the title of a new bio by Jarild Manos, founder of the Great Plains Restoration Council and the force behind Fort Worth Prairie Park. Check it out, here:
4) Quick note:
The first Trout Lily (aka:Dog-tooth Violet) of 2008 was spotted on February 15, about a week earlier than last year. I discovered it on the northwest side of THNA, on the upper slopes. This distinctive flower thrives at THNA and is emblematic of its diversity. After the recent rain, things are looking up for a spectacular spring at Tandy Hills Natural Area. Come on in!
First Trout Lily of 2008